My Writings

Shrimp Tales – August 10th 2005, The Washington Post

Shrimp Tales
Five Asian Takes That Couldn’t Be More Different

By Monica Bhide
Special to The WashingtonPost
Wednesday, August 10, 2005; F01

Across Asian borders and languages, shrimp is universal, and nearly every country has a distinctive way of preparing it.

China — for instance, has salt shrimp;

Korea — shrimp pancakes.

India – fries it.

In Vietnam, it’s caramelized. And in Malaysia, it morphs into curry.

Five Washington area residents—two of whom have published cookbooks—recently shared their favorite shrimp recipes, as well as some family memories. In each case, their passion for cooking is firmly rooted in their family heritage—even if it took some of them awhile to appreciate that.

Read more here!

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