Monica Smithsonian

Hello, friends!

I am going to be teaching a self publishing seminar for the Smithsonian Associates in Sept 2016. Please see details below! Hope to see you all there.

BUY YOUR TICKETS HERE.  (the program is sold out but the link has a number you can call to be waitlisted)

Here are the details –

The business of the book world is changing at a rapid speed. Self-publishing, once dismissed as “vanity publishing,” is competing with traditional models and, some would say, overtaking it. Previously unknown writers are cracking the New York Times and Amazon best-sellers lists with their self-published books. The options for authors looking to self-publish continue to grow, ranging from complete do-it-yourself projects to partnering with a full-service publishing house. In a practical and informative seminar, writer and self-published author Monica Bhide covers the basics of self-publishing, following the process from completed manuscript to published work.

Bhide examines how the new types of self-publishing differ from more established models, looks at the advantages and disadvantages of each, and offers guidelines to best match the genre of the work with the most appropriate self-publishing method.

Other topics include the financial aspects of self-publishing; developing a realistic cost estimate and timeline for your project; and selecting and working with a copy editor, proofreader, and cover designer. Bhide examines the largest self-publishing platforms—Amazon Createspace for print books and Amazon Kindle Publishing for ebooks—and outlines the step-by-step process of creating a book and ebook using Amazon.

The program concludes with a panel of authors who have successfully self-published, as well as founders of local publishing houses. They share their experiences in self-publishing, how to find the right audience for your book, and online and offline marketing options for your self-published work.

Panelists include Dallas Hudgens, founder of Relegation Books and Stillhouse Press, who has written for large publishing houses and self-published; Danielle Tate, author of the self-published Elegant Entrepreneur: The Female Founder’s Guide to Starting & Growing Your First Company; and Richard Peabody, a poet, editor, and short-story writer who is the founder and co-editor of Gargoyle magazine.

Bhide is an award-winning author whose work has been published by Simon & Schuster and Random House. Her first self-published book of short stories, The Devil in Us, was a Kindle bestseller in December 2015.



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