My Writings

Savory Indian Seafood – Coastal Living, April 2006

Coast Living’s April issue is now on newstands

Check out my piece on delightful Indian seafood dishes in April’s Coastal Living. It includes an interview with Chef K.N. Vinod of Indique and Indique Heights in Washington D.C.

“Fish fresh from the catamaran to the chatti (earthen pot),” reminisces Chef K. N. Vinod, is how fish was cooked during his youth on the western shores of


. “Growing up, fish curry and fried fish were a must every day, though my mom would vary the ingredients for the curry,” says this acclaimed Washington, DC–based chef with a hint of nostalgia, “One day she would make a fish curry with tamarind, the next day it would be with raw green mangoes, and some days with coconut milk.”


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