I am so thrilled that the very talented Kim O'Donnel featured my gluten-free chick pea crepes on her blog – http://tinyurl.com/d8nfcv. Check it out.. recipe provided.



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  1. Great piece about those crepes! Maybe you can answer a question for me. Out of sheer laziness, I never buy a bag of chick pea flour. I just throw whole dried chick peas in my blender and whir them until they are dust. Is this even remotely the same thing?

  2. Thanks for your kind words, Joy. As far as making the flour at home, i have never done it but i do believe the the chickpeas should be slightly roasted before grinding. Hope that helps.

  3. That’s probably true–I usually do for soccas,which get pretty toasty in the oven. I should just bye a bag so I can compare my results … perhaps I will make two batches of your delish sounding crepes.

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