Jai and I making sushi

"As Mother's Day nears, an Indian mom recalls the ups and downs of her son's adventuresome tastes".

Read the story here and be sure to leave a comment! I would love your thoughts. 

Jai's favorite shrimp curry recipe is included in the recipe as are his other favorites including rice pudding, roasted cauliflower and onion rings!

Look forward to your thoughts. 

(Photo of Jai and I is courtesy of Scott Homestead)


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  1. Wow, what a touching story and I must say Jai sounds like a wonderful child!
    Since I have two sons and I know of the peer pressure out there to blend in with the other kids.
    Like you, I also introduce my kids to different cuisines especially when we are traveling. It’s fun for them to learn about the country they are visiting through it’s cuisine!

  2. I really loved the article. I think that I especially related to it as a first generation Indian-American. I always had strange lunches and had to beg for PBJ sandwiches. Now, of course, I long for homemade Indian food 🙂

  3. I found your website via NPR and I want you to know how touched I was both by the article and also by the curry recipe. I made it last night for my husband and my brother and they were beside themselves with how delicious it was. Wonderful writer, wonderful cook. Thank you!

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