I am so excited about this new section in which folks who have cooked from Modern Spice are doing guest posts on what they liked about the dishes they made!

This first post comes from Jan Walczak from Milwaukee who has been making the fish curry from Modern Spice and here is what she had to say and she even sent in a photo of the dish -

JanesShrimp As a variation of Monica's Tomato and Coconut Fish Curry recipe, I used a pound of shrimp instead of catfish. Also, using the whole can of coconut milk and a whole jalapeno, I made a rice pilaf which nicely soaked up the additional rich juices. Initially, having used a half jalapeno, my judgement allowed that a whole jalapeno would work even better — which it indeed did.

Thanks, Jan!! Do you want to guest post here? Send me your post along with a photo of the dish you prepared from Modern Spice and tell me a bit about yourself. You could be my next guest poster.

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